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The San Diego Bluegrass Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation and promotion of bluegrass music in the San Diego area. 

Review the SDBS Privacy Policy here

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Type your email address in the box above, then hit the GO button. We'll send you occasional emails about San Diego-area bluegrass events.

To receive even more info, become an SDBS member

Contact SDBS:


SDBS is a member of the
International Bluegrass
Music Association.

Follow us on Facebook:
@ San Diego Bluegrass Society
And on Instagram: @sdbluegrasssociety

Our sister organization is NCBFC
North County Bluegrass & Folk Club


Looking for bluegrass music in San Diego?
You're in the right place!

The San Diego Bluegrass Society sponsors a wide variety of bluegrass music events, including with open mics and jam sessions for San Diegans and visitors who desire to play bluegrass in a group setting. SDBS also brings bluegrass concerts by nationally recognized bands touring through our region, along with workshops and other educational activities.

Check out our Events+Calendar page for details. Better yet, sign up for our email list and we'll keep you informed of special events. Best of all, join the SDBS with a family membership ($25) or a band membership ($35) per year for our monthly e-newsletter, special member discounts, and more, You'll enjoy becoming part of our family-friendly community, and knowing that your support keeps bluegrass music alive and well in San Diego.

2nd Monday Evening Pick up Bands and Jam Session at Duck Foot Brewery Miramar

Join us at Duck Foot Brewery every 2nd Monday of the month from 6:30-9 pm for open mic, jamming, and pick up bands.
For details see the flyer here:
2nd Monday Duck Foot

MainStream Bar and Grill 2nd Tuessday
Photo: David Cupp

Duck Foot has great beer, plenty of free parking, indoor performance area, and outside jamming. SDBS will provide a sound system. Those of you who have visited our 4th Sunday Duck Foot event know what a great place this is!

Fourth Sunday Jam Session at Duck Foot Brewery-Miramar

Duck Foot Bewery

Next up: Sunday January 26, 2025, 1-3 pm. at Duck Foot Brewing at
8920 Kenamar Dr #210, San Diego, CA 92121. Above is the outdoor event in action shown in a David Cupp photo. See the details on our Events+Calendar page.

Free Music Outreach with Emma's Gut Bucket Band

Gut Bucket Band

SDBS has an active music outreach program with Emma’s Gut Bucket Band, bringing bluegrass music to public and private schools, senior centers, assisted living facilities, homeless centers and the like at no cost. We also offer a lending library of instructional materials, plus an instrument lending Library, to our members. An instrument donation program is also available. Send us an email for info: info@sandiegobluegrass.org.

.Summergrass 2024 was August 16-18
To learn about future Summergrass visit the Summergrass website here

SDBS and the Summergrass Bluegrass Festival
The San Diego Bluegrass Society (SDBS) Board, and the North County Bluegrass and Folk Club Board, voted to withdraw as nonprofit Summergrass sponsors effecting 2022 and to transition our roles and responsibilities. We are pleased to announce that the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum (AGSEM) has agreed to provide non-profit sponsorship for Summergrass. As a non-profit corporation, AGSEM, is a natural fit since they already have a long history of hosting Summergrass at their Vista location.
We look forward to the partnership. See you at Summergrass 2025!!

Here's a bit more background from SDBS. We love Summergrass and are proud to have been founding partners in 2002-3 and key parts of its success. SDBS Board members have served in every role at Summergrass over the years, as founders, as festival chair and vice chair, as finance chair, as talent buyers, and more. SDBS volunteers have been key parts of its success. SDBS members founded the Summergrass Kids Camp. But, we recognized it was time to transition to a nonprofit sponsor with more resources as Summergrass began to outpace our abilities as volunteer Board members to stay on top of everything. So, we are excited that AGSEM has stepped in and taken up the sponsorship mantel. AGSEM's long-term experience as the host for Summergrass since 2003 and its deep bench of resources position it well.
SDBS will remain committed to Summegrass. We will be volunteering, promoting, and supporting the festival, and helping to assure its continued sucess. Thanks to all for their help and cooperation in making this transition successful.

Summergrass photos by David Cupp.
Photo 1: Tribute to Dennis Capplinger on the Summergass Mainstage featuring John Moore, Sara Watkins, Zach Caplinger, Steve Spurgeon and other greats.

Caplinger Tribute Summergrass

Check the Summergrass website for full details.

Summergrass Jam
Photo by David Cupp


Upcoming events

* 2nd Monday at Duck Foot
Band performances, open mic, and jamming,
6:30- 9 pm. Next up March 10, 2025
Duck Foot Brewing-Miramar, 8920 Kenamar Dr #210, San Diego, CA 92121

* The 3rd Monday Slow Jam - NEW LOCATION!
The SDBS Slow Jam meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at Mission Valley Library starting in March  – we've moved! February: check with Mary Jane Cupp below.
For info email Mary Jane Cupp

* Del Mar Library concerts - They're starting again!
December 10, 2024, 5:30 to 6:30pm- Gone Tomorrow bluegrass band.
See EVENTS +CALENDAR for info, and more on our free library concerts.

* Emma's Gut Bucket Band
Meets at Mission Bay Park in the RV Rec Room at Campland.
For info and directions email Mary Jane Cupp.

* 4th Sunday Duck Foot Brewery Jam
Next up Sunday february. 23, 2025 1-3 pm
Duck Foot Brewing-Miramar, 8920 Kenamar Dr #210, San Diego, CA 92121

SPECIAL EVENT: Great 48 in Bakersfield, CA - sponsored by the California Bluegrass Association. SDBS will be there. January 9-12, 2025

See a full listing of upcoming events on our EVENTS+CALENDAR page.

SDBS continues to monitor the evolving covid situation, including the new Omicron, B2, and other variants. Your safety, and that of our volunteers, is paramount to SDBS. So, we recommend that you wear a mask and practice social distancing at our events, encouraging you to use your own good judgment for the safety of yourself and those around you. If you haven't already, we encourage you to consider getting vaccinated and boosted. It's safe and effective.

SDBS has expanded its Board of Directors from nine to eleven, Here's a listing of your Board of Directors for 2024-25:

Mark Pullin – president
Nancy Wyatt – secretary
Andrea Zelones
Dwight Worden
Richard Burkett
Lance Gucwa
Roger Taylor
Ramona Ault
John Deckard
Phil Levy
Mary Jane Cupp

If you would like to send the Board a message click here: info@sandiegobluegrass.org


The annual Members Report for 2023 is now available. Click here for a copy:
SDBS Annual
Annual Report 2023

The annual reports review our activities over the year, including our events and finances. This is a public document. If you are not already a member, please consider joining us.. It's $25 for for the whole family for the year or $35 for a band membership. Click here to join online with your Paypal account, credit card, or old fashioned check. You won't regret it!

Featured Articles

Essential Listening:
Thanks to current SDBS Board memberRichard Burkett
and outstanding musician, Richard Burkett, we are offering our Essential Listening series in the monthly SDBS Tune Up.
These are articles featuring prominent bluegrass musicians, with recommendations about bluegrass music that we consider as essential listening, including some inteviews with professional musicians on what inspired them.The articles include live
links to key samples on YouTube. Give these a read and let us know what you think. Email us at info@sandiegobluegrass.org

Essential Listening columns on these topics:
In the November Tune Up: Johnson Mt. Boys
Other recent columns:
Dan Tyminski, The Louvin Brothers, Larry Sparks, Wayne Rice, Sara Watkins, Mike Compton, Women in Bluegrass

Lots more Essential Listening columns on the Features page.


Looking for a bluegrass band for your event?
Let us know, and we'll assist you in locating a band that meets the particular needs of your party or event. Contact
: info@sandiegobluegrass.org.

SDBS is proud to support these bluegrass bands that have joined our new SDBS Band Membership for $35 per year.

Gone Tomorrow
: Richard Burkett
MohaviSoul: Randy Hanson
Muddy Mountain West: Max Dotts
Philly and the Cheesesteaks
: Phil Levy
Prairie Sky: Dwight Worden
The HoneyBuckets
: Visit their website
The Full Deck: John Deckard
The Shoreline Pickers
: Mary Jane Cupp

SDBS member bands will:

- Be listed on our website
- Be mentioned in our monthly newsltter, the Tune Up
- Are eligible for SDBS gig referrals
- Are eligible for an opening band slot at one of our concerts
    featuring top travelling bands
- Once a month we will feature a member band in the Tune Up.

To join SDBS as a band member visit our "Join Us" page and fill out the band member application and pay the membership fee by credit card, Paypal, or check. Questions? Let us know:


History of SDBS in Words & Pictures
by Dwight Worden

SDBS (originally the San Diego Bluegrass Club) has been a force for bluegrass music in San Diego since the 1960s.

For a fascinating glimpse into its storied past, illustrated with lots of photos and historical images, and chock-full of interesting anecdotes and memories, download A Brief History of the San Diego Bluegrass Society (in print-friendly PDF format).
Watch the IBMA presentation to Wayne

Wayne Rice

Wayne Rice honored by SDBS in 2016 for 40 years on the air with his Bluegrass Special on KSON Radio. Wayne also received the coveted IBMA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020. Note his show has moved from KSON to Alpine Mountain County radio FM 107.9

Read the SDBS proclamation honoring Wayne.